Hamburg Diary

Posted: July 14th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Genel | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Hamburg Diary

“The Black Block” call was made from Hamburg for the action organized under the slogan ‘Welcome to Hell’ against the G-20 summit to be held by 19 state leaders holding 85% of the world economy. Thousands of anarchists, anti-fascist individuals from all over the world came to Hamburg for action even though Schengen’s visas had been suspended.

Anarchist groups from Turkey were in action and they immediately reported what happened.

The activists from many different regions joined the preparations in the camps and at the Rote Flora occupation house, they attended some trainings for the action but the police harassment and attacks had started before the acts did. In the camps, police did search and took some into custody through helicopter and land raids. On the way, arbitrary searches were made by the police in various areas, extraordinary conditions and violations were experienced in the city.

Tensions were experienced when civilian police officers were detected among the activists.

Despite the efforts of the German state to block the people, St. Pauli Football Team announced that it opened the stadium to the activists as a shelter. The nearby bars provided free water and food. The press release titled “Yes, we are camping” was made. St. Pauli fans opened a banner in the tributary “Our Neighborhood, Our Rules”. Thus, camp resistance began before the G-20’s actions and solidarity areas expanded. Personal properties, theater, circus, church and various societies were opened for accommodation. Tents were placed for protest in some areas that nobody stayed in.

In camps, there are first-aid tents, free food including vegan option throughout the day, information boards, maps, and autonomous lawyers on hand for emergency situations. Even mental support teams have been established. There are many examples of communal practices through which mutual support is provided for any kind of need.

One day before the G-20 meetings ‘alternative peak’ was held. In the areas surrounded by the police, forums, antifa punk and rap concerts, and presentations were held.

Walking cortege with the black block activists standing at the forefront began to walk around 12.00 on the first day of the G20. Because there were thousands of masked faces, the police began to block the protest and attacked people. As the conflict went on throughout the day, the security circle (the area that was prohibited for any demonstration or walk), which is called the blue zone, was narrowed from a 38 km2 circle to a 500 m2. Conflicts spread to dozens of neighborhoods. People of the neighborhoods went on to the streets, and helped the activists with blocking the roads and setting up the barricades.

The port was occupied with the slogan ‘Block capitalism’s logistics’. The entrance of the harbor was closed for a few hours and the activists did not let the police in.

Many roads were closed with barricades. The autonomous security forces (OGK) set the traffic up in a way so the convoys of Trump and Erdogan had to wait, and the meetings were delayed.

Supermarkets, banks, hotels, fast food chains were shattered, dozens of luxury vehicles were destroyed in the half of the city. The Porsche Center was set on fire. “We showed that we can go beyond the controlled protest actions and if desired we can act different forms of resistance, and we can warm the hearts of all comrades with a little” luxury fire “.

Some slogans from the act;
“All Hamburg hates policemen”

“I do not know anything, I have no talent, give me uniform”

“Give the streets back to the Nazis piece by piece, stone by stone”

The police, who said they lost control of Hamburg, requested support from outside and military. The teams from Denmark and Austria took part in the streets of Hamburg. It was seen that police officers who walked with long barreled guns pointed their guns at the press saying, “There is no freedom of the press from now on.” The same cops with weapons raided a building used as an infirmary with weapons.

In the fields and home raids, 186 of the 225 detainees were arrested and hundreds of people were wounded. There are also 476 policemen wounded by black block activists who used fireworks, rocks, sound bombs. It was also reported that fascists went to the streets and threatened the camps.All entrances, exits, air, land and rail transport are under police control.

– Anarchists from Turkey sent greetings to the resistance in Hamburg with graffiti paintings.

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